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Sunday 18 May 2014

Catholic Priests' Lovers Beg Pope To Abolish Celibacy.

A group of women apparently in secret love affairs with some Catholic priests have written pope Francis demanding that the celibacy rule on priests should be abolished.

According to an Italian newspaper report which was  posted by news24 . Nigeria, the 26 women who also requested an audience with the Pope wrote: "We are all experiencing, have experienced or would like to experience a love affair with a priest with whom we have fallen in love. "

The Italian newspaper La Stampa said the women pointed out their 'devastating suffering' due to the secret nature of their affairs with these priests and said "Something could change not only for us,but for the good of all the church."

They argued that a priest would be better in his vocation in the service of Jesus and community if he has his wife and children beside him.

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