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Saturday 7 September 2013

EXPOSED! How Britain supplied killer chemicals to syrian government.

Many people across the world today would have been wondering why it has become difficult for Britain to support the much publicised, iminent military assult  on Syria by the United States.

The United States began the clamour for support from countries like China, Russia, France and Britain couple of weeks ago when it was proved beyond doubt that the Assad government fired chemical weapons into territories dominated by the "Rebels".

The question in the past used to be;  why is Britain taking long to endorse the attack on Assad regime?
Why is the British Prime minister, David Cameron pushing an unyielding legislators to give the green light to support the US in the war against pogrom in Syria.

 In the past, British legislative arm never hasitated in endorsing military actions against countries like Iraq, Afganistan and quiet recently, Libya. why flinch now?

Investigations, have now revealed that the reason could be because the British government had a hand in the chemicals that were used in the weapons of mass destruction that killed over 2000 people in Syria last two months. According to mailonline reports, the british government issued export licenses to two companies between 2004-2010 allowing them to sell sodium fluoride to Syria.

Sodium fluoride is a chemical compound used in the production of sarin-a chemical by- product detected to have caused multiple deaths in rebel populated areas of Syria.

Exposure to safin causes eye damage, breathing problem,loss of conciousness, shaking and coma....leading to death.

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